Another Course Completed…

June 16-18 We completed our course in Augusta, Maine for “Applying Basic Electricity to Service Propane Appliances” book 7,  We had a full class that learned about the basics of electricity and how to read schematic drawings to assist in troubleshooting electrical problems with appliances. We had a hands-on multi-meter training session to show the various readings a technician should expect when using a multi-meter. On June 19th we had a full class for the State of Maine mandated “Natural Gas” training explaining the differences between propane and natural gas and how to perform fuel conversions for gas appliances.

Our next training session is: ” Propane Delivery” coming up July 13-17. covering books 2.2-2.4-2.5 see “CETP” training for more details and registration.

“CETP” book 7 Changes


Please read the following and take action as needed.

PERC has released a new CETP training book 4.4 Basic Electricity for Propane Appliance Service.  This material replaces the existing Book 7.0 Applying Basic Electricity Principles to Service Propane Appliances, which was older and in need of a comprehensive update.  The new Book 4.4 is now part of the Vapor Distribution Series (VDS) suite of materials within PERC’s CETP training program.

As a result of this action, NPGA has finalized a new CETP certification exam that corresponds with this new material.  The new exam for 4.4 Basic Electricity for Propane Appliance Service is now available for purchase from Industrial Training Services (ITS) in either the online or paper format.  (ITS is available at 270-752-2150, ext.2.)

In addition:

  • Effective June 29, NPGA will withdraw the existing CETP certification exam for the older Book 7.0 Applying Basic Electricity Principles to Service Propane Appliances given that this exam, like the training material, contains outdated information.  We are taking this action since we are not aware of any future test orders for Book 7.0 and know that many trainers are waiting on the new 4.4 materials.  Thus, we do not anticipate this being a problem.
  • If, however, there is a class and/or exam scheduled based on Book 7.0 that we are unaware of, please contact NPGA directly, and we will work with you to resolve the matter.
  • Please note that we will continue to accept skills assessments for the older 7.0 Applying Basic Electricity Principles to Service Propane Appliances program area until June 29, 2016. 


  • We anticipate the new 4.4 Basic Electricity for Propane Appliance Service Skills Assessment to be available in August. Speaking of skills assessments, many of you have called Janet at ITS to question the presence of the Registered Skills Evaluator Number* on the Skills Affidavit page (see below). If you will recall, NPGA has planned to implement the Skills Evaluator Training Program (much like a Proctor Training for Skills Evaluators) when the CETP Certification Renewal begins. With the Renewal Program currently on hold, the Skills Evaluator Program is also on hold. However, it is much easier for everyone to have the information on the skills assessment now, with an *Implementation Date To Be Determined (TBD),  than it is to try and chase you down later for the information if you turn in one without the number once the program begins..

So, until the Skills Evaluator Program begins, please consider this a “placeholder for the future” and know that staff are simply trying to plan ahead while others determine start dates.

Skills Evaluator Information: (print or type)


I affirm that I am the person who has administered this checklist, and that I have conducted this Performance-Based Skills Assessment Evaluation with integrity.  I also affirm that the above named Candidate is the person whose performance I evaluated, and that the above named person performed the checked tasks at the indicated level without assistance from me or any other person.

Skill Evaluator’s Signature _____________________  Date _____________

Registered Skills Evaluator Number required for processing* ____________________

(*Implementation date TBD)

Propane Consultants adds New Division

Last summer we opened another division of Propane Consultants, LLC this new division is set up for the removal of under ground L.P.Tanks that are no longer in use because the owner has converted to another fuel or the tanks have been abandoned. We are set up to pump out the liquid propane then flare off the vapor and excavate to remove the unwanted tank(s). We return the ground to the original grade and cover with the same type of material that was there prior to excavating. We take care of permits and any other approvals that may be needed. To accommodate businesses we can perform this work nights and weekends. Give us a call if w can help you get rid of these unwanted L.P. Tanks.